Bliss, Balance, and Breathe

Namaste Come along with me as I discover Costa Rica and myself through yoga. I am exploring the beauty, nature, and the hidden secrets that this country has to offer.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The power of being

The other day I was watching a little boy run on the beach. He would run from end to end without ever stopping. After observing him for awhile my friend turned to me and said "what I would do if I had all that energy." After hearing that I began to think why we don't have the same amount of energy as little children and this is what I came up with. Children are allowed to just be. Their energy and hearts can be fully devoted to what they are doing in that moment. As we get older we start to direct our energy in to a million different directions from gossip, work, relationships, finances, school, children, and the list goes on. It would be so nice if we could just stop and focus only on ourselves and that moment we are in.

This is where the power of being comes into place. With a dedicated yoga practice we too can begin to focus on ourselves and for that moment our practice. Rejuvenate the soul and live in the moment. Life is like a walk on the beach when we can just be.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To Practice or Not to Practice

“There is tremendous power in regularity and discipline. It is important to sit every day twice a day and to do your practice. You have to demand that of your life. Otherwise your life will always win. There will always be a reason not to sit.”
– S. Shambhavananda

I found this quote the other day and I am sure we can all relate. There are those days when we would rather pull the sheets over our head and forget about our 6 am. yoga class. If we make the conscious decision arrive at class,  awake or not, we are always thankful and full of positive energy laying in savasana. When I am in this position, I always think of that feeling of accomplishment and bliss that I feel after completing a class. That feeling is what gets my blessings to class. So the next time you what to stay in bed, remember that you may just want to attend the class on behalf of this great feeling and plus it is a nice way to start the day.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Yoga in Costa Rica

Open your heart, it is Valentine's Day. Today is the day to practice opening your chest and heart. During a lifetime we can start to round our shoulders to protect ourselves. With certain yoga asanas we can change our rounding shoulders and open our hearts. It may seem scary to open the heart but if we can learn to stand on one leg, we can surely learn roll our shoulders up, back, and down.  Please practice the following asanas at your own risk and comfort level.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Dolphin Pose (puppy pose)